Welcome to my blog

How to Know When Your Vagina Needs Physical Therapy

How to Know When Your Vagina Needs Physical Therapy

My husband is an OB/GYN at an Atlanta-metro based practice and when people at dinner parties ask him what he does, it makes sense to them. He and I work with the same body parts, but people understand (mostly) what an OB/GYN does. So he doesn’t get too many follow up...

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A Guide to Gluten-Free Lubricants

A Guide to Gluten-Free Lubricants

It may seem like every time you turn around, there's a new gluten-free item on the shelves at the grocery store. Gluten-free pasta, gluten-free cookies, gluten-free pizza, the list goes on.  What you might not realize, though, is that gluten might be sneaking around...

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What Women Really Want (Before Having Sex)

What Women Really Want (Before Having Sex)

I’ve been talking to women and couples about sex (in intimate detail!) for over a decade. Women often talk about the relationship component of their sex drive. We discuss what things their partners do that are a HUGE turn off and what things really turn them ON. In...

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Setting Relationship Goals for the New Year

Setting Relationship Goals for the New Year

If you follow along with me on my social media, you know that the first week after the new year was a little sluggish for me. (And I shared because it was my hope that other people could relate!)  I personally felt like I fell off the bandwagon in so many ways. I...

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A Deep Dive into Lubricants: Just Say “No” To Glycerin

A Deep Dive into Lubricants: Just Say “No” To Glycerin

Last month on my blog I shared why I’m passionate about using lubricants as a tool to help with painful sex. Using a lubricant can be an empowering way to engage in sexual activity with your partner!  Lubricants aren’t just for postmenopausal women experiencing...

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How Lubricants Can Help With Painful Sex

How Lubricants Can Help With Painful Sex

Listen up, ladies: this week on the blog we’re talking about lubrication, and it’s an important topic that many women overlook. In fact, you would be surprised how many women aren’t using lubrication when sex is painful.  Lubrication is an important part of sexual...

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7 Essentials for

Pain-Free, Feel-Good Sex

Pain with sex? Decreased desire, Arousal, and orgasm?

Let's get started on the solution right now!

Wish you weren’t dreading sex or the pain that comes afterward?

Download my 7 Essentials for Pain-Free, Feel-Good Sex guide to help things go more smoothly. This is the advice that I give to my clients when they first contact me. These changes are the essential foundation for having pleasurable stress-free sex!