What’s the BEST Valentine’s Day Gift for Women?

Published: February 13, 2020

If you’re looking at the calendar and realizing that Valentine’s Day is just days away and you’re still trying to figure out what to get her, this post might give you some ideas. Every woman is unique so knowing her well will help you narrow down this list. 

Some women wanted very specific things. Perfect for her, but maybe not so universal. Here are some of the examples that I do NOT recommend getting your partner unless she specifically requested them: a Bernese Mountain puppy, Japanese Kit Kats, chickens, a tattoo, a barrel saddle, and 40 pecan trees. You’d have to ask to know if she’d appreciate such a unique gift.

And you know I’m a big fan of asking your partner what they want!… but sometimes you’d like to plan a surprise. Or you ask her and she tells you, “I don’t really want anything.” The key word here is THING. 

I polled women in four very different facebook groups: a gardening group, a parenting group, an exercise group, and my own sex and relationship group. The women represent a wide range of demographics. I got over 500 responses and they might surprise you!

Here are Women’s Top 10 Wishes for Valentine’s Day Gifts:

10.) Food – Of the food that women wanted, chocolate was the only one frequently mentioned. Other included lobster, steak, dried fruits and various candy favorites.

9.) Wine – Women wanted their favorite bottle of wine, wine of the month club membership, or a quiet evening sitting down to enjoy a bottle of wine with you.

8.) Exercise equipment – Beware! Most of the women who wanted exercise equipment (like a treadmill) were in the exercise group. Giving a woman a treadmill if she hasn’t requested it is a big No-No to many women.

7.) Affection – From cuddling on the couch to hand holding in the park, many women said their top wish was affection!

6.) Time With You – Many responses showed that they wanted time with their partner that was “uninterrupted,” “stress-free,” or “cell phone-free.” So many times we are together but we aren’t really together because there is a screen or two (or more!) between us. We might be chatting but we aren’t connecting.

5.) Time for Something Else – Many women wanted time to do something that they don’t normally get to do, like go to pilates or yoga, have dinner with a friend, explore the city, or read a book. Basically, these women need a little bit of time in their schedule to recharge.

4.) A Clean House – Women want a clean, decluttered and organized home. More specifically they wanted their partners to clean it themselves, help them clean it, pay someone to clean it (once or regularly), or just stop putting your crap everywhere and messing it up. Ha! Don’t kill the messenger! #SoTrue

What these women desperately want is to create a more peaceful home.

3.) Sleep – Especially moms, they just want a full night’s sleep or time to take a nap! Seriously?! This is easy and FREE. If you have kids, that means taking them out somewhere for the afternoon and while you’re at it, why not come home with dinner?

2.) Spa Day – So many wishes were for a day at a spa including massage, waxing, chemical peels, and more. Many women want some pampering, beautifying, and a full day of ME time.

And the #1 Valentine’s Day women’s gift wish???

1.) Vacation – Of the women who wanted a vacation, most wanted to get away as a couple, some wanted to vacation as a family, and some wanted a friends weekend. Women requested everything from a day on the beach to a week in Bali. So if you’re thinking, “I can’t plan a vacation last minute,” remember that “vacation” can just mean an escape from the trappings of everyday life. A place where there aren’t any chores and you don’t get mail. It could be sitting on the beach, hiking through the mountains, or visiting a nearby city. 

I hope this list got your creative juices flowing and gave you some ideas for your loved one.

The most interesting thing to me in this poll?

Not a single one of the women said flowers, teddy bears, or jewelry! These industries have done amazing marketing to have us all thinking that those would be what women really want! I’m not saying they won’t be appreciated (except for the bear, sorry not sorry), it’s just not what they’re wishing for. 


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